Hello, I am

Nicole Manzini

Frontend Developer based in South Africa

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My recent projects showcasing my work

yogurt app

Yogurt App

Yogurt is a creamy, fermented dairy product made by adding live bacteria cultures to milk, which thickens and adds a tangy flavor. It's rich in probiotics, calcium, and protein, making it a nutritious option for a healthy diet.

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Weather App

A weather app provides real-time forecasts, temperature updates, and severe weather alerts to help users plan their day. It typically includes features like radar maps, hourly predictions, and location-based notifications for accurate and personalized weather information.

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weather app
Dictionary app

Dictionary App

A dictionary is a reference book or digital tool that provides definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples of words. It often includes additional information like word origins, synonyms, and antonyms, making it an essential resource for language learning and effective communication.

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